Adult Sunday School Classes
All of these classes listed below meet at 9:15 am on Sunday Mornings
Come and See, Room 203
Adults from 50-80, discussion based
Daily Bread, Room 205-C
Adults in their 20s to 40s, discussion based
Gleaners, Room 300-C
Women of all ages, lecture and discussion
Loaves and Fishes, Room 301
Adults from 60-80, lecture and discussion​
N.O.P. (No One's Perfect), Room 202
Adults in their 50s and 60s, lecture/teaching and discussion
Reflections, Room 300-A
Adults from 50-80, lecture and discussion
Sojourners, Room 201
Adults from 40-60, discussion based
Welcome All God's Children, Room 200
Adults of all ages, lecture/teaching and discussion
Wednesday Women's 'Sunday' School Class, Room 203
Women of All Ages
This class meets on Wednesday mornings at 11:00 am.